Dealing with the Dangers of Snow & Ice

Dealing with the Dangers of Snow & Ice

Snow, ice and freezing temperatures are obvious winter weather hazards that require taking precautions. Subtle dangers also develop from rising temperatures, melting snow and even refreezing of abundant water. Take a look at the list below of issues caused by melting snow and ice and how to prevent them.

• Warm air passing over the cold snow can cause dense fog, which can limit visibility. Make sure you allow extra time for travel when you are expecting warmer temperatures.

• Storm drains can be frozen over or blocked by snow, causing localized flooding. Make sure to clear drains near your home to prevent any excess water from damaging your home.

• Large amounts of snow on rooftops can absorb rainfall, greatly increasing the weight of the snow. With an increased amount of weight there is more concern for roof collapses. To avoid any structure damage, clear off your roof with a roof rake.

• When temperatures rise and melt the snow, water spreads across larger surface areas. When the temperature drops again any standing water refreezes and creates additional icy conditions. Drivers beware of black ice on roadways and be sure to salt any icy driveways and walkways.

• When the temperature is continuously shifting and stormy weather is consistent, layers of snow and ice accumulate on walkways and paths. Be sure to clear any necessary surfaces before the next cold front or storm, as this will make future clearings much easier.

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