Smells Like You Need a Plumber

Smells Like You Need a Plumber!

We’ve talked about diagnosing plumbing problems based on sounds, but smell plays a large role in identifying an issue as well. If foul odors start appearing from your drains, there could be something seriously wrong with your plumbing, and no one wants a smelly home. Some plumbing issues that could be causing a foul smell in your home are:

  • Dirty garbage disposal: If the drain that’s giving off odors is the kitchen drain with the disposal, the disposal may be the problem. A garbage disposal can develop a build-up of gunk over time, especially if you’ve had your disposal for 10 years or more. Luckily, this build-up can be cleaned easily with vinegar and baking soda. However, if this doesn’t eliminate the odors, we recommend a new disposal. Ten years is often a good service life for a garbage disposal, so now is the time to replace it.
  • Dried p-trap: Is the odor coming from a sink that doesn’t get much use, such as a guest bathroom? If so, the problem could be that the p-trap—the curved pipe section beneath the drain—has dried up and is allowing sewer gas to flow the wrong direction up the drainpipe. An easy way to fix this is to run water down the drain for a minute to restore the water plug.
  • Blocked drain vents: Are odors coming from more than one drain? One possible source of odors from multiple drains is that the drain vents are blocked. If the vents become blocked by debris, it can lead to the pressure forcing sewer gas up through the drains. Don’t go up to the roof to try to repair this yourself! Leave it to a professional.
  • Sewer line issues: This is a major issue that will require professionals to fix. The sewer line may be clogged, blocked or broken, pushing sewer gas into the house. If it isn’t resolved, it will eventually push actual sewage into the house.

If you’ve noticed any foul odors coming from your plumbing, give us a call at 1-800-989-0299! We’re available 24/7 for all your plumbing and HVAC needs.

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