5 Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Heating This Winter

5 Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Heating This Winter

Everyone wants to be warm and comfortable inside their home during the winter. How do you make sure that your heating is as effective as possible before the temperatures really drop? These five best practices will ensure your heating functions at its best all season long.

  • Keep the thermostat settings moderate: It can be tempting to crank up the temperature as high as possible when you feel cold. However, this isn’t going to help get things warmer any faster, instead it will create additional stress for your system. Instead, try to keep your thermostat setting moderate at a temperature around 68°F. This offers the best combination of efficiency and comfort.
  • Don’t let warm air escape: Even when they’re small, air leaks can make a drastic difference in your comfort. Windows and doors with air leaks need to be sealed up in order to ensure hot air stays indoors where it belongs. Also make sure that no one is leaving any doors or windows open!
  • Change the air filter: The air filter for your heater is responsible for keeping dirt and debris out of the heating system. Make sure to change out your filter every one-to-three months in order to keep airflow into the heater strong and clean.
  • Layer up: If you’re someone who gets cold easily, layers are your best friend! Break out your long-sleeve shirts or favorite sweats and some comfy leggings or joggers to help you feel a little warmer. Those thicker layers will allow you to feel warmer, which will reduce your demands on the heater. Also, take advantage of sunny winter days and open those blinds to let heat in!
  • Schedule regular heating system services: Last but certainly not least, make sure you give your heating system a hand by scheduling heating maintenance every season. This will prevent problems before they arise and keep your heating system efficient for as long as possible.

If you do have any problems with your heating, give us a call at 1-800-989-0299! We’re available 24/7 for all your plumbing and HVAC needs.
