Benefits of Heating Maintenance

Benefits of Heating Maintenance

Your heating system needs annual maintenance to ensure it functions properly, and fall is a popular time for these appointments; after all, you want to make sure you’re ready to go for that first winter freeze. 

What is heating maintenance?
A trained technician will do a full service on your heating system, which involves inspection, cleaning, minor repairs, and much more. Regular maintenance is essential to keep you comfortable, save you money, and provide peace of mind.

If our technicians find any issues, they will discuss the recommended course of action with you and map out potential next steps, such as scheduling a repair appointment.

What are the benefits of heating maintenance? 

Increase efficiency (including energy savings)
Our technicians examine the equipment of your heating system during the appointment to ensure your system functions properly and efficiently. If they see missing, broken, or worn-out parts they will let you know you need to replace them.

Additionally, a dirty, old heating system has to work harder to keep your home warm—and more energy means more money! Our technicians will properly clean and maintain your system to reduce the energy needed to run (and, as a result, reduce your monthly bill).

Prevent costly repairs
Your heating system is cleaned and inspected for damage during your appointment, meaning any potential problems are caught (and fixed) before progressing. Skipping your regular maintenance can lead to costly repairs, as these problems will go undetected for double or triple the usual time. Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill – schedule your maintenance appointment TODAY. 

Extend the lifetime of your heating system

Proper care can help extend the lifetime of your heating system! Clean parts that are in good shape and regularly inspected can help air flow seamlessly, since the components don’t need to work as hard to deliver heat to your home. Less stress placed on your system means more years of peak performance (in fact, when properly maintained, your system can last up to 15 years).

Improve air quality
Pollutants — including small, loose particles like dust, pollen, pet dander, and even bacteria — can build up inside of your heating system over time. When you turn on the heat for the first time in the season, those particles are released into your home. These particles also contribute to clogged filters and dirty ducts. Routine maintenance helps clean out those dirty, dusty particles and improves the air quality in your home! 

Enhance & maintain comfort
Having a heating system in tip-top shape means that your system is functioning properly. When you set the thermostat to 68 degrees, you get 68 degrees! Scheduling your maintenance appointment NOW is the best way to save yourself the trouble and stress of squeezing it in before that first snow storm. Besides, peace of mind is the best kind of comfort! 
Contact the experts at Nebrasky Plumbing, Heating, and Cooling and schedule your maintenance appointment TODAY. We’ll provide great service and top-quality care!

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