team spotlight greg stevens

Team Spotlight: Greg Stevens

This month, Nebrasky is putting Greg Stevens in the Team Spotlight! Greg started working at Nebrasky in 2015 after meeting our president, Paul Nebrasky, at the gym (how serendipitous!). Greg worked for us for four years, specializing in new construction and service, until he moved to Florida in 2019. Four years later, the north came calling, drawing Greg back home to the Hudson Valley, and to his Nebrasky roots.

We’re very pleased to welcome him back, as Greg is a master of not just HVAC and plumbing, but many other areas of the construction trade as well.

Most recently, Greg’s talents and dedication to his craft earned him an “Exceptional Employee” award, granted each month to Nebrasky team members who have gone above and beyond in service to our customers.

Greg gives his all in everything he does, and Nebrasky is very lucky to have him in its corner and on its team. 

Greg is married with four children, three dogs, and eight chickens (talk about a full house!), and he enjoys fishing in his free time. If you’ve got a heating maintenance service scheduled in the upcoming months, Greg may just be the friendly face you see in the field! 

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